In my game, I need to find out where the player is touching. MotionEvent.getX() and MotionEvent.getY() return window coordinates. So I made this function to test converting window coordinates into OpenGL coordinates:
public void ConvertCoordinates(GL10 gl) {
float location[] = new float[4];
final MatrixGrabber mg = new MatrixGrabber(); //From the SpriteText demo in the samples.
int viewport[] = {0,0,WinWidth,WinHeight};
GLU.gluUnProject((float) WinWidth/2, (float) WinHeight/2, (float) 0, mg.mModelView, 0, mg.mProjection, 0, viewport, 0, location,0);
Log.d("Location",location[1]+", "+location[2]+", "+location[3]+"");
X and y oscillated from almost -33 to almost +33. Z is usually 10. Did I use MatrixGrabber wrong or something?
Well the easiest way for me to get into this was imagining the onscreen click as a ray that starts in camera position and goes into infinity
To get that ray i needed to ask for it's world coords in at least 2 Z positions (in view coords).
Here's my method for finding the ray(taken from the same android demo app i guess). It works fine in my app:
public void Select(float x, float y) {
MatrixGrabber mg = new MatrixGrabber();
int viewport[] = { 0, 0, _renderer.width, _renderer.height };;;
// We need to apply our camera transformations before getting the ray coords
// (ModelView matrix should only contain camera transformations)
float realY = ((float) (_renderer.height) - y);
float nearCoords[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
float farCoords[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
gluUnProject(x, realY, 0.0f, mg.mModelView, 0, mg.mProjection, 0,
viewport, 0, nearCoords, 0);
gluUnProject(x, realY, 1.0f, mg.mModelView, 0, mg.mProjection, 0,
viewport, 0, farCoords, 0);
mEngine.RespondToClickRay(nearCoords, farCoords);
In OGL10 AFAIK you don't have access to Z-Buffer so you can't find the Z of the closest object at the screen x,y coords. You need to calculate the first object hit by your ray on your own.