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How to bind Two modal as 1 ViewModel in Angular 8

I want to bind ViewModel in Angular 8 Component name "Test". I initialize the Viewmodel as null. It works fine with model but not with ViewModel. here is link Code editor link:

Model # 1

export class GoldDetail
     //For Gold 
    GoldDetailId: number;
    PurchaseNo: number;
    SaleNo: number;
    Weight: number;

Model # 2

export class CurrencyDetail {

    Name :string;


i add view model like this

export class Vmmodel
  goldDetail :GoldDetail;

i want to bind this "VmModel" to in my component. i initialize viewmodel with test.ts

  resetForm(form? : NgForm): any {
          this.paymentService.vmmodel ={
           currencyDetail:new  CurrencyDetail(),
           goldDetail:new GoldDetail(),



<form   autocomplete="off"  #golddetail="ngForm" (submit)="onSubmit(golddetail)" >

    <div class="form-group col" >
    <input #currencyDetail.Name="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="paymentService.vmmodel.currencyDetail.Name" class="form-control">


but i got error in console . see attachment pelase see this picture

Thanks in advance i try my best to explain my prblem.


  • There are a lot of convention problems here, but let's stick on the main question.

    You are using vmmodel before it is initialized.

    <input #currencyDetail.Name="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="paymentService.vmmodel.currencyDetail.Name" class="form-control">

    Only on reset you do initialize a value to it. What your code is trying to do is access paymentService.vmmodel.currencyDetail.Name. In other word it cannot read the value of ...vmmodel.currencyDetail because vmmodel is undefined.

    Read on the difference between null and undefined.

    When the form is "created", the input is filled with whatever value there is in the ngModel.

    You could intilialize the variable with default values or use the coalease operator.

    Noneless you should create a minimal reproductible of your problem so we can start from somewhere.


    export class AppComponent  {
      name = 'Angular';
      vmmodel = new Vmmodel(); // as simple as that. This is still going to have problems as inner properties are not initialized neither and paymentService is undefined as well.
      resetForm(form? : NgForm): any {
        this.vmmodel ={
         currencyDetail:new  CurrencyDetail(),
         goldDetail:new GoldDetail(),
          // AcBankAccountHolders:null