Trying to account for spacing/whitespaces in a viginere cipher in python. this is a single letter encryption.
Please note that i'm very new to python!
def encrypt(message, key):
'''Vigenere encryption of message using key.'''
# Converted to uppercase.
# Non-alpha characters stripped out.
message = filter(str.isalpha, message.upper())
def enc(c, k):
'''Single letter encryption.'''
return chr(((ord(k) + ord(c) - 2 * ord('A')) % 26) + ord('A'))
return ''.join(starmap(enc, zip(message, cycle(key))))
def decrypt(message, key):
'''Vigenere decryption of message using key.'''
def dec(c, k):
'''Single letter decryption.'''
return chr(((ord(c) - ord(k) - 2 * ord('A')) % 26) + ord('A'))
return ''.join(starmap(dec, zip(message, cycle(key))))
Have already tried this but it does not work
def enc(c, k):
'''Single letter encryption.'''
if ord(c) == 32:
return chr(ord(c))
return chr(((ord(k) + ord(c) - 2 * ord('A')) % 26) + ord('A'))
This is what i get with my current code:
"Hello World" --> "JKJLJYUPLY" key = "wasup"
I want:
"Hello world" --> "JKJLJ YUPLY" key "wasup"
I didn't really documented myself on the encryption method itself, but I tested it word by word and it worked well :
to_encrypt = 'Hello World'
my_key = 'wasup'
encrypted = []
for word in to_encrypt.split():
encrypted.append(encrypt(word, my_key))
print(' '.join(encrypted))
That could be the way to use it if the viginere cipher is only supposed to be applied words by words.