I am able to create a Slider by using SwiftUI but I am not able to change the style of the slider as shown in the image(below).
Problem: I am not able to find any option in SwiftUI to change the slider style.
Note: I want to create this by using SwiftUI only. I already created this slider in Swift by using "https://github.com/daprice/iOS-Tactile-Slider"
I have tried following but it's not the solution :
1. Slider(value: .constant(0.3)).accentColor(Color.white)
2. Slider(value: $age, in: 18...20, step: 1, minimumValueLabel: Text("18"), maximumValueLabel: Text("20")) { Text("") }
3. Slider(value: $age, in: 18...20, step: 1, minimumValueLabel: Image(systemName: "18.circle"), maximumValueLabel: Image(systemName: "20.circle")) { Text("") }
How can I create a slider with the style as shown in the image using SwiftUI only?
As it turned out for me accent color is depending on the context, as well as the frame, so we don't need to handle that.
As far as the control goes I made a really dummy and simple example. Please do not consider this as a solution, rather a starter.
struct CustomView: View {
@Binding var percentage: Float // or some value binded
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
// TODO: - there might be a need for horizontal and vertical alignments
ZStack(alignment: .leading) {
.frame(width: geometry.size.width * CGFloat(self.percentage / 100))
.gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
.onChanged({ value in
// TODO: - maybe use other logic here
self.percentage = min(max(0, Float(value.location.x / geometry.size.width * 100)), 100)
You can use it like
@State var percentage: Float = 50
var body: some View {
CustomView(percentage: $percentage)
.frame(width: 200, height: 44)