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How to change language in MB_OKCANCEL buttons text (Windows API) using MessageBoxExW with Python?

I have an application which shows a window with two buttons (Ok and Cancel), I was using it in English, but now I want to show Ok and Cancel button's text in Chinese.

My original code was:

if win32con.IDOK == win32gui.MessageBox(self.hwnd,self.dic.voc["mainwin.quitConfirm"],

And now I am trying with MessageBoxExW function, because in the API page says you can use any language in the last parameter (

So now my code is as follows:

lang = win32api.MAKELANGID(4, 2)
if win32con.IDOK ==ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxExW(self.hwnd,self.dic.voc["mainwin.quitConfirm"], self.dic.voc["mainwin.quitConfirmTitle"], win32con.MB_YESNO, lang):

But it continues showing the text buttons in English, not in Chinese, I have also set in my computer, in Region and Language, Chinese(Simplified, PRC) in 'Formats' and in 'System Locale'. And my script is encoded as 'UTF-8'.

When I run this,


I obtain,

('zh_CN', 'cp936')

I would appreciate very much any help or clue. Thank you very much.


  • If you are using Windows 10, you need to install a language pack in Windows for the specified language.

    It does NOT have to be the default displayed language, but it needs to be in the installed language packs.

    enter image description here