I have the code below:
import urllib.request
import json
flag_servidor = 0
flag_salva_txt = 0
numero = 0
#codigo para verificar se há conexao como servidor e caso nao
#haja ele criar um arquivo txt com as infos
while 1:
url = urllib.request.urlopen('http://IP/CAMINHO/get_infos.php')
x_ = url.read()
y_ = json.loads(x_.decode('utf-8'))
get_turno_ = y_["turno"]
#salva as infos do txt dentro do banco de dados
if flag_salva_txt == 1: #significa que temos infos para serem salvas
arquivo = open('novo-arquivo1.txt', 'r')
for linha in arquivo:
linha = linha.rstrip()
valor = linha.split(";")
flag_salva_txt = 0
except Exception as e:
print("Servidor indisponível.Erro:", e)
if flag_salva_txt == 0:
#após salvar txt
flag_salva_txt = 1
numero = numero +1
arquivo = open('novo-arquivo'+str(numero)+'.txt', 'w')
arquivo.write('nova linha;123;1pop' + '\n')
The problem is that: when an exception happened for the first time it shows me message error but when it happens for second time my code stop running and doesn´t show anything.
I'm still not quite crystal clear about what your program is supposed to do, but maybe something like this helps.
I refactored your program to a separate function to get the data, and printing it out (or whatever you like to do) is in the main loop.
In addition, to not hit the server as fast as your script can, there's a delay of 5 seconds between every request, successful or not.
import datetime
import time
import urllib.request
import json
def get_turno():
url = urllib.request.urlopen("http://IP/CAMINHO/get_infos.php")
data = json.loads(url.read().decode("utf-8"))
return data["turno"]
while True:
turno = get_turno()
except Exception as exc:
print("Retrieving turno data failed: {}".format(exc))
current_time = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
print("Time: {} - Turno: {}".format(current_time, turno))