I have a CSV/Raw file with series data in it that I would like my agent to read from the config store when it starts.
Steps I am following:
store the config:
volttron-ctl config store myagent mycsv.csv -c mycsvfile.csv --csv
I can then get the contents:
volttron-ctl config get myagent my.csv
In my agent config I specify:
{ "mycsv": "config://myagent/mycsv.csv" }
In my agent I try get the config stored.
def myagent(config_path, **kwargs):
config = utils.load_config(config_path)
except StandardError:
config = {}
if not config:
_log.info("Using Agent defaults for starting configuration.")
mycsv = config.get('mycsv', '')
mycsv always return the string "config://myagent/mycsv.csv"
One thing you can try is "subscribing" to changes to the config store.
For example, if you stored your config with:
volttron-ctl config store myagent data/mydata.csv -c mydata.csv --csv
The you can add a callback hook by:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.vip.config.subscribe(self.read_data, actions=["NEW"], pattern="data/mydata.csv")
def read_data(self, config_path, action, contents):
# Do stuff