I'm trying to start a new Swift project for some training purposes on Fedora 30.0. The project consists of 2 simple files:
let req: Request = RequestImpl()
req.sendRequest(url: "hello")
protocol Request {
func sendRequest(url: String)
final class RequestImpl: Request {
// MARK: - Request
func sendRequest(url: String) {
When I run the command swiftc main.swift
on the terminal, I get the following error:
$ swiftc main.swift
main.swift:1:10: error: use of undeclared type 'Request'
let req: Request = RequestImpl()
P.S: I run swiftc Request.swift
before I run the above command.
This should compile, but print doesn't work:
$ swiftc Request.swift main.swift
If you want create module with multiple files and run it, I will suggest create executable package, build and run it.