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Ion-item-option button needs to be clicked twice

I have an ion-list with sliding items in it and create these with a for loop. You can click on the item itself and the router navigates to another page. When you slide an item, a button is revealed. and this Button needs to be clicked twice (at 90% of the time) to fire.

I already tried:

(click) in the <ion-item> and the <ion-avatar> tags. Same behaviour :( I'm letting the user create an item and it's added to a list. this list ist stored in ionic storage with'list'); and the ion-list is created from this list above. so far so good this doesn't cause any problems. and the number of list items doesn't affect the behaviour either. the ion-list is in a <div *ngIf = "loaded"> and loaded is set false later in deleteHorse() so this shouldn't affect anything. when i click on the ion-item itself, it behaves correctly. could it be that the item covers the ion-item-options and thus, the second click is realised as a click on the actual button and not the item? I tried to add a hard coded item with sliding options - same thing...

and reported it to ionic on github

<div *ngIf="loaded">
<ion-list *ngFor="let item of items; let i = index" routerDirection="forward">
      <ion-item-sliding #slidingItem (click)="dosomething()">
        <ion-item >
          <img [src]=items[0].imgUrl>
      <ion-item-options side="end">
          <ion-item-option (click)="showSureAlert(i, slidingItem)">
            <ion-button class="slideButton" >
              <ion-icon name="trash"></ion-icon>
async showSureAlert(index, item) {
    const text: any = [];
    const alert = await this.alertCtrl.create({
      header: text.header = this.translateService.instant('delete'),
      message: text.message = this.translateService.instant('Warning.deleteHorse') + ' ' + this.horses[index][0].name + '?',
      buttons: [
          text: = this.translateService.instant('no'),
          handler: () => {

          text: = this.translateService.instant('yes'),
          handler: () => {
            // delete horsename
      backdropDismiss: false
    console.log('alert created');
    await alert.present();

The console.log() is also affected by this.

I would really like to use this but if there is no solution, I have to find another thing... thanks in advance for your help.


I copied the code from -> same result

And adapted my code to this example. Changing the position of the item-options (from end to start) made it a bit better(70% of the time it needs to be clicked twice)

have a look here: example on github


  • I have found an improvement. but this doesn't do its job reliable. The first 3-4 times it works with just one click. after that, I have to click twice.

    and it looks ugly as hell :D

    Buttons in an ion-item option are causing the problem. so at first I had:

     <ion-item-options side="end">
              <ion-item-option (click)="showSureAlert(i, slidingItem)">
                <ion-button class="slideButton" >
                  <ion-icon name="trash"></ion-icon>

    and now:

    <ion-item-options side="end">
              <ion-item-option (click)="showSureAlert(i, slidingItem)">
                  <ion-icon name="trash"></ion-icon>

    still no solution, but better...

    edit: at first with Ionic 4, there was this weird problem with ShadowDOM and i had to wrap my whole CSS file with "host { }" to work correctly. i removed this and its working fine. silly thing.