I have an entity that instanciates a FIFO which depth is a generic:
DEPTH_FIFO : natural range 2 to 64 := 3; -- number of vectors in the FIFO
I have to declare a counter that could store the index of the FIFO but I need to know which size has to be the counter.
signal cnt_FIFO : unsigned(length_cnt_FIFO-1 downto 0);
My problem is to find a way to calculate the constant length_cnt_FIFO.
I have tried this :
constant length_cnt_FIFO : natural := CEIL(LOG(2, DEPTH_FIFO));
with the library use ieee.MATH_REAL.all;
but I get problems of type conversion.
Anyone has an idea to make this work, or any other solution ?
Thanks in advance,
is natural, but you have to convert it to a Real to pass it to the logarithmic function.2.0
instead or the LOG2 function.This did the trick for me:
constant length_cnt_FIFO : natural := natural(CEIL(LOG2(real(DEPTH_FIFO))));