I am using iis 5.1 in which we have only only one default website,
I have two projects v2 and v3
my website points to v2 projects and have some folders images, styles etc now i have a virtual directory under this website that is hosting project v3 and having the same folder hierarchy as v2
in the home page of the both projects i have
img src="\images\edlogo.gif" alt="logo"/>
but this shows the same image that is in the v2 directory, How can i show different images for both projects. using "\" get the root of the web site but how can i get the root of virtual directory under that website
This static method returns you full http path to root folder of your application (web site or virtual directory)
public static string GetAppRootUrl(bool endSlash) {
string host = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);
string appRootUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath;
if (!appRootUrl.EndsWith("/")) //a virtual
appRootUrl += "/";
if (!endSlash)
appRootUrl = appRootUrl.Substring(0, appRootUrl.Length - 1);
return host + appRootUrl;
So, you can write in your page:
<img src="<%= Server.HtmlEncode(GetAppRootUrl(false)) %>/images/edlogo.gif" alt="logo"/>