I am getting the error 'StreamingModel' is not convertible to 'T.EAModel' in the following code snippet. Can someone help me understand the error.
public struct GraphViewsMainSUI<T> : View where T: GraphViewRepresentableProtocol {
@ObservedObject public var graphToggle: GraphToggle
@ObservedObject public var model: StreamingModel
public var body: some View {
HStack {
VStack {
Text("Select Graphs").font(.headline)
GraphChecksSUI(toggleSets: $graphToggle.toggleSets)
}.padding(.trailing, 35)
T(model: model, toggleSets: $graphToggle.toggleSets) <<<< COMPILE ERROR HERE
}.frame(minWidth: 860, idealWidth: 860, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 450, idealHeight: 450, maxHeight: .infinity).padding()
public protocol GraphViewRepresentableProtocol: NSViewRepresentable {
associatedtype EAModel
init(model: EAModel, toggleSets: Binding<[GraphToggleSet]>)
The struct that I am using for the type T that conforms to GraphViewRepresentable is the following.
public struct GraphViewRepresentable: NSViewRepresentable, GraphViewRepresentableProtocol {
public var model: StreamingModel
@Binding public var toggleSets: [GraphToggleSet]
public init(model: StreamingModel, toggleSets: Binding<[GraphToggleSet]>) {
self.model = model
self._toggleSets = toggleSets
In the protocol, the associatedtype has not restrictions, so I don not understand why the compiler is not setting the EAModel type to StreamingModel.
T(model: model, toggleSets: $graphToggle.toggleSets)
You are assuming that whatever T
is, has an associated type EAModel == StreamingModel
, which is not necessarily true. I could pass in a type like this:
struct Foo : GraphViewRepresentableProtocol {
typealias EAType = Int
init(model: EAModel, toggleSets: Binding<[GraphToggleSet]>) { }
And your code would break.
You probably need to constrain T
further to the set of types that has EAModel == StreamingModel
public struct GraphViewsMainSUI<T> : View where T: GraphViewRepresentableProtocol, T.EAModel == StreamingModel {