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Get the max Time in a datetime column for specific Hours in the day?

I have a column called SnapshotDate with a snapshot every 30 minutes going back two years (example of this column in link below).

How do I get the max Minute (or Second) entry in the SnapshotDate for when the Hour is either 6 or 15?

Note: The 30 minute interval has changed so many times so I can't specifically use 06:50 for example or 15:50 in the WHERE clause.

I currently have WHERE DATEPART(hh,ys.SnapshotDate) IN (6,15) to only get the SnapshotDate entries in the Hours of 0600 or 1500, but how do I retrieve the max time within these entries so that on a particular day, I only get two results: One at 06:50 and the other at 15:50

Screenshot of the SnapshotDate column


  • I would recommend row_number() for this, as:

    select t.*
    from (select t.*,
                 row_number() over (partition by convert(date, snapshotdate), datepart(hour, snapshotdate)
                                    order by snapshotdate desc
                                   ) as seqnum
          from t
          where datepart(hour, snapshot) in (6, 15)
         ) t
    where seqnum = 1;

    Unfortunately, SQL Server does not have a date_trunc() function of any sort. But you can convert to a date and use the hour.