I am learning the Zend Framework. Now I need to attach a prepared statement to prevent SQL injection in the Zend Framework. So I am sharing some functions here which I am using so if you can tell me how I can attach a prepared statement in these Zend Database Query Functions it will be helpful.
public function getRowByID($id) {
$row = $this->fetchRow("id = '$id'");
if (!$row) {
return false;
return $row;
public function getbyProjectID($projectid) {
$query = "SELECT * FROM auth where projectid = '$projectid'";
$result = $this->getAdapter()->query($query);
return $result->fetchAll();
public function updateRowByUserProject($username, $projectid) {
$query = "UPDATE auth SET iscurrent=0 WHERE username = '$username'";
$result = $this->getAdapter()->query($query);
$query1 = "UPDATE auth SET iscurrent=1 WHERE username = '$username' AND projectid = '$projectid'";
$result1 = $this->getAdapter()->query($query1);
$affectedRow = $result1->rowCount();
if($affectedRow == 1){
return true;
return false;
For fetching you could use Zend_Db_Select Class methods for preparing a query and executing it, passing variables in questionmark places (placeholders which will be escaped from special characters) after comma (possible multiple questionmarks, passing variables from left to right):
public function getRowByID($id) {
$table = $this->getTable();
$select = $table->select();
$select->where('id = ?', $id);
$row = $table->fetchRow($select);
if (!$row) {
return false;
return $row;
For your second method getByProjectId() it depends if you are in proper model (like Auth_Model_Auth) or you want to access data from another table
public function getbyProjectID($projectid) {
$table = $this->getTable();
$select = $table->select();
$select->where('projectid = ?', $projectid);
$result = $table->fetchAll($select);
return $result;
And for updating you can pass an array to 'update' method in same style like for fetching data. Key of an array must be a column name of your table.
public function updateRowByUserProject($username, $projectid) {
$table = $this->getTable();
// Data you want to insert/update
$data = [
'iscurrent' => 0
// Where you want to update it
$where = [
'username = ?' => $username
$result = $table->update($data, $where);
$data1 = [
'iscurrent' => 1
$where1 = [
'username = ?' => $username,
'projectid = ?' => $projectid
$result1 = $table->update($data1, $where1);
For both questions from comments you could achieve this by using quoteInto method, which also escapes data from special chars.
In first case you prepare a $where variable, which contains what record you want to delete:
$table = $this->getTable();
$where = $table->getAdapter()->quoteInto('projectid = ?', $projectid);
$isDeleted = $table->delete($where);
In second case you can do exactly the same:
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM applications WHERE projectid IN (SELECT projectid FROM auth WHERE projectid = ?)";
$query = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto(?, $projectid):
But you should try to avoid writing big queries in one variable and then executing them. I would suggest you to get to know with this: https://framework.zend.com/manual/1.11/en/zend.db.select.html
Really well explained how to use Zend methods for this purpose.