I have a view controller (VC3) that I want to push if accessed via one screen (VC1), but present it modally if accessed from a different screen (VC2). The destination view controller (VC3) is on its own storyboard and is embedded in a UINavigationController
(which I believe is pretty important here).
In prepare(for segue)
on VC1 I have this:
if let nav = segue.destination as? UINavigationController {
let destinationViewController = nav.topViewController as! LiftsViewController
destinationViewController.delegate = self
This presents the destination view controller (VC3) modally, which is what I want.
From VC2, the view controller (VC3) will be accessed by tapping on a cell in a table view so I want it pushed. But in prepare(for segue)
on VC2 I have the same code as above because, well, I'm segueing to the same view controller which is in the UINavigationController
I've looked at quite a few threads that address pushing vcs or presenting them modally, but can't find anything that answers how to do both with the same vc.
In this scenario let's not use the segue and push/present your VC's programmatically.
let vc3 = (UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "LiftsViewController") as? LiftsViewController)!
vc3.delegate = self
now push:
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc3, animated: true)
or present:
self.presentViewController(vc3, animated: true, completion: nil)