I want to format values before exporting them to CSV. For this, I use the processCellCallback as shown in the Code sample. When I include the Callback, I get empty strings instead of cell value for every cell in my ag-grid. For this, I followed the example on the ag-grid Site https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-export/ and the StackOverflow article Ag-grid angular format data before exporting
For debugging purpose I commented everything out except the return and included a console.log
The Cell Value is written in the log, but my export CSV has only empty columns. I remove the processCellCallback in the params the value are properly exported.
ExportToCsv(gridApi: any, exportFileName: string){
var params = {
fileName: exportFileName
,columnSeparator: ';'
,processCellCallback: (params) => {this.processCells(params)}
processCells(params: any) {
return params.value;
processCellCallback must return a string. However in your code, the anonymous function returns nothing.
processCellCallback: (params) => {this.processCells(params)}
processCellCallback: (params) => this.processCells(params)
or for simplicity:
processCellCallback: this.processCells