I'm creating a virtual machine in Google Cloud with full access scopes
When I connect to the virtual machine by SSH and try to pull a docker image from Container registry, it throws permissions error:
So I wonder how do I give permissions for my Container registry
I thought giving full access to API would solve this problem, but it doesn't
By the way I know I can directly put image from container registry to compute engine, but this is not what I want, it's not gonna be only one image I'll be running, it's gonna be some of them
Permissions for Container Registry are controlled by Cloud Storage IAM. Container Registry stores container images in a Cloud Storage bucket in your project.
To authorize docker
to use Google credentials there are several methods. I use this method:
gcloud auth configure-docker
However, that method is no longer recommended. This method is recommended:
gcloud components install docker-credential-gcr
docker-credential-gcr configure-docker