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LINQ cross join list of lists? Cartesian product for unknown number of lists

Let's presume I have the following class - ItemMenu - with a list of lists. How can I generate a cross join output with all of the combinations available, using C#?

For the following code I would expect 3 (temperature) times 4 (side) times 4 (drinks) results, eg:

  • Rare Steak with no side and no drink
  • Rare Steak with no side and Beer
  • Rare Steak with no side and Wine
  • Rare Steak with no side and Coke
  • Rare Steak with salad and no drink
  • ... (total of 48 combinations)

Obviously, the amount of modifiers and modifiers options is not known in advance, so if we have 4 modifiers with 5 options each, we would end up with 5*6*6*6 (first is mandatory, the rest have none option added) results. I was thinking of flattening the lists with LINQ SelectMany but I could not produce expected result with unknown number of options. I'm considering recording all of the options as bit flags in an array and just counting up, but there's this mandatory flag issue.

public class ItemMenu
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<Modifier> Modifiers { get; set; }
public class Modifier
    public bool IsMandatory { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<ModifierOption> Options { get; set; }
public class ModifierOption
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public bool Selected { get; set; }
public static ItemMenu GetSteakMenu()
    return new ItemMenu
        Name = "Beef Steak",
        Modifiers = new List<Modifier> {
            new Modifier {  Name = "Temperature", IsMandatory = true, Options = new List<ModifierOption>
                    new ModifierOption { ID = 1, Name = "Rare" },
                    new ModifierOption { ID = 2, Name = "Medium" },
                    new ModifierOption { ID = 3, Name = "Well done" },
            new Modifier {  Name = "Side", Options = new List<ModifierOption>
                    new ModifierOption { ID = 1, Name = "Salad" },
                    new ModifierOption { ID = 2, Name = "Fries" },
                    new ModifierOption { ID = 3, Name = "Sweet fries" },
            new Modifier {  Name = "Drink", Options = new List<ModifierOption>
                    new ModifierOption { ID = 1, Name = "Beer" },
                    new ModifierOption { ID = 2, Name = "Wine" },
                    new ModifierOption { ID = 3, Name = "Coke" },

As of output type, preferably I would use list of ItemMenu objects with ModifierOptions flags set as true, but any type of output object is acceptable, even string. Thank you!


  • Answering the question in the title, a product of an unknown number of lists using LINQ:

    public static class EnumerableExtensions
        public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> CrossProduct<T>(
            this IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> source) => 
                (IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>>) new[] { Enumerable.Empty<T>() },
                (acc, src) => src.SelectMany(x => acc.Select(a => a.Concat(new[] {x}))));

    As far as I understand you want to use it like this:

    var beefSteak = GetSteakMenu();
    var modifiers = beefSteak.Modifiers.Select(m => m.Options);
    var results = modifiers.CrossProduct();
    foreach (var resultList in results)
        Console.WriteLine($"Steak, {string.Join(", ", resultList.Select(r => r.Name))}");
    > Steak, Rare, Salad, Beer
    > Steak, Medium, Salad, Beer
    > Steak, Well done, Salad, Beer
    > Steak, Rare, Fries, Beer
    > Steak, Medium, Fries, Beer
    > Steak, Well done, Fries, Beer
    > Steak, Rare, Sweet fries, Beer
    > Steak, Medium, Sweet fries, Beer
    > Steak, Well done, Sweet fries, Beer
    > Steak, Rare, Salad, Wine
    > Steak, Medium, Salad, Wine
    > Steak, Well done, Salad, Wine
    > Steak, Rare, Fries, Wine
    > Steak, Medium, Fries, Wine
    > Steak, Well done, Fries, Wine
    > Steak, Rare, Sweet fries, Wine
    > Steak, Medium, Sweet fries, Wine
    > Steak, Well done, Sweet fries, Wine
    > Steak, Rare, Salad, Coke
    > Steak, Medium, Salad, Coke
    > Steak, Well done, Salad, Coke
    > Steak, Rare, Fries, Coke
    > Steak, Medium, Fries, Coke
    > Steak, Well done, Fries, Coke
    > Steak, Rare, Sweet fries, Coke
    > Steak, Medium, Sweet fries, Coke
    > Steak, Well done, Sweet fries, Coke

    EDIT: Changed the accumulator to use Enumerable.Empty<T>() instead of instantiating an array, as it avoids an allocation.