I have two models in my Rails app, Organization
and Warehouse
. Entries in Warehouse
belong to entries in Organization
either via Warehouse.organization_id
('owned' warehouses) or Warehouse.delegated_to_organization_id
('delegated' warehouses).
A use case requires me to go over all warehouses and their 'responsible' organization: The 'delegating' organization if existing, otherwise the 'owning' organization. However, the use cases requires me to have all warehouses grouped by organization and is executed in batches (1), leading me to this approach:
def organizations
def warehouse_join
INNER JOIN warehouses
ON coalesce(
) = organizations.id
However, ActiveRecord seemingly ignores the join: organizations.first.warehouses
always yields []
, while executing the query with ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(organizations.to_sql.gsub('"organizations".*', '*')).to_a
shows joined fields from the warehouses
What am I doing wrong and how can I make this work?
(1) The data volume is too large to read everything into memory, so the actual query is executed in batches (having a limit
will only fetch warehouses
by organization_id
. Your warehouse_join
does not affect this relation.
Also, in order to have associated objects available through an individual object of the queried collection without extra DB queries you have to use preloading (eager loading) methods such as includes
For example, if you want to fetch a list of organizations
with their warehouses
, you should do that like this:
orgs = organizations.includes(:warehouses)
# now you can access `warehouses` of each individual `organization` without extra DB queries
As far as I know it is impossible (or not so easy) in ActiveRecord
to use includes
with a custom JOIN condition.
But in your case I wouldn't try to do that, there is another way. Use two separate associations (one for each foreign key):
class Organization < ActiveRecord::Model
# delegated warehouses
has_many :delegated_warehouses, class_name: "Warehouse",
foreign_key: "delegated_to_organization_id"
# owned, but not delegated to any other organization
has_many :owned_not_delegated_warehouses, -> { where(delegated_to_organization_id: nil) },
class_name: "Warehouse",
foreign_key: organization_id
def warehouses_under_responsibility
# do not do like this!!! those associations are for preloading only!
delegated_warehouses + owned_not_delegated_warehouses # wrong!!!
# the right way
Warehouse.where("coalesce(delegated_to_organization_id, organization_id, -1) = ?", id)
Now you can use the associations to separately preload (eager load) warehouses
that are under responsibility.
orgs = Organization.includes(:delegated_warehouses, :owned_not_delegated_warehouses)
orgs.each do |org|
# now you can access the associated records separately
owned_warehouses = org.owned_not_delegated_warehouses
delegated_warehouses = org.delegated_warehouses
# or use them all together
all_warehouses = owned_warehouses + delegated_warehouses
Those associations should only be used when preloading warehouses, i.e. when there is a large collection of organization and you need to fetch the warehouses they are responsible for.
If you have a single organization and need to fetch the warehouses it is responsible for, you should use another approach, which is shown in the warehouses_under_responsibility
It is important to understand why we didn't use the same approach when preloading. That is because we can't make include
work with the custom join condition which is coalesce(delegated_to_organization_id, organization_id, -1) = organizations.id