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Pandas dataframe applymap parallel execution

I have the following functions to apply bunch of regexes to each element in a data frame. The dataframe that I am applying the regexes to is a 5MB chunk.

def apply_all_regexes(data, regexes):
    # find all regex matches is applied to the pandas' dataframe
    new_df = data.applymap(
        partial(apply_re_to_cell, regexes))
    return regex_applied

def apply_re_to_cell(regexes, cell):
    cell = str(cell)
    regex_matches = []
    for regex in regexes:
        regex_matches.extend(re.findall(regex, cell))
    return regex_matches

Due to the serial execution of applymap, the time taken to process is ~ elements * (serial execution of the regexes for 1 element). Is there anyway to invoke parallelism? I tried ProcessPoolExecutor, but that appeared to take longer time than executing serially.


  • Have you tried splitting your one big dataframe in number of threads small dataframes, apply the regex map parallel and stick each small df back together?

    I was able to do something similar with a dataframe about gene expression. I would run it small scale and control if you get the expected output.

    Unfortunately I don't have enough reputation to comment

    def parallelize_dataframe(df, func):
        df_split = np.array_split(df, num_partitions)
        pool = Pool(num_cores)
        for x in df_split:
        df = pd.concat(, df_split))
        return df

    This is the general function I used