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C# add to class in another DLL it possible?

For example, can I add this simple function...

public static double Deg2Rad(double degrees) {
    return Math.PI / 180 * degrees;
} the Convert class? So (using the default..."usings") you can call

double radians = Convert.Deg2Rad(123);

Can this be done? If so, how?


  • No you can't, but you can add an Extension method to double and call it like

    double x = 180.0;
    double y = Math.Cos( x.Deg2Rad() );
    double z = Math.Sin( 0.5.Pi() );

    in an static class add the following extension method:

    public static class ExtensionMethods
        public static double Deg2Rad(this double angle)
            return Math.PI*angle/180.0;
        public static double Pi(this double x)
            return Math.PI*x;