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OpenMP benchmarking parallel computations

I'm trying to benchmark computing an f(x) while varying the number of threads with every iteration.

f(x) = c * ln(x) * cos(x)


for (int pp = 2; pp<17; pp++)
    p = pp;
    int chunk = n/p; //acts like floor
    double start_parallel = omp_get_wtime();
    //start parallel
    #pragma omp parallel shared(tt,chunk) private (i)
        //printf("thread number %d\n",omp_get_thread_num());
        #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,chunk) nowait
        for(i=0; i<n; i++)
            //tt[i] = f(tt[i]);
            tt[i] = f1(tt[i]); //the speed up is much higher with f1 since log and cos 
                               //computations are polynomial; see function.
    } //end parallel
    double end_parallel = omp_get_wtime();
    double cpu_time_used_parallel = (double) (end_parallel - start_parallel);
    printf("parallel: for n=%d, p=%d, time taken=%f, speedup=%f\n",


Started varying threads:

parallel: for n=10000000, p=2, time taken=0.153774, speedup=3.503831

parallel: for n=10000000, p=3, time taken=0.064447, speedup=8.360370

parallel: for n=10000000, p=4, time taken=0.044694, speedup=12.055239

parallel: for n=10000000, p=5, time taken=0.048700, speedup=11.063550

parallel: for n=10000000, p=6, time taken=0.039009, speedup=13.811989

parallel: for n=10000000, p=7, time taken=0.041735, speedup=12.910017

parallel: for n=10000000, p=8, time taken=0.041268, speedup=13.055919

parallel: for n=10000000, p=9, time taken=0.039032, speedup=13.804157

parallel: for n=10000000, p=10, time taken=0.038970, speedup=13.825767

parallel: for n=10000000, p=11, time taken=0.039843, speedup=13.522884

parallel: for n=10000000, p=12, time taken=0.041356, speedup=13.028237

parallel: for n=10000000, p=13, time taken=0.041039, speedup=13.128763

parallel: for n=10000000, p=14, time taken=0.047433, speedup=11.359218

parallel: for n=10000000, p=15, time taken=0.048430, speedup=11.125202

parallel: for n=10000000, p=16, time taken=0.051950, speedup=10.371477

Note: The speedup here is computed against the sequential algorithm (threads = 1)

The speedup does not seem to be really affected by the variation of p (number of threads).

Am I doing this right, or the cause comes from the non efficient incrementation of the number of threads (i.e. theoretically speaking changing p won't seriously affect O(myprogram) ) ?


  • Q : Am I doing this right...?
    A : No, sorry, you do not happen to do this right. Let's analyse the reasons and let's sketch some hints for HPC-grade performance benchmarking together :

    Well, you already know the initial benchmark design was not well crafted. The effect of add-on costs, demonstrated in the contemporary criticism of the original, overhead-naive Amdahl-law has more details on this and timing details show this very well, as instantiation costs grew smaller and smaller to other classes of processing and I/O-related costs, as shown below.

    enter image description here


    The code has immense add-on overhead costs compared to the "computation"-part. This is the strongest marker of a flawed use of technology capabilities of an otherwise legal syntax-constructor ( OpenMP here, map-reduce somewhere else, list-comprehension in other cases or some other syntax-suger tricks elsewhere else )

    An ultimate performance is an Art of Balancing ( right - balancing the Costs and Benefits - any sort of an imbalance means a lost performance edge ).

    Costs? Here? Look at the landscape of results ::

    The second sin was to ignore the "behind-scene" [TIME]-domain penalty for [SPACE]-domain scaling. The larger the n, the larger memory was to get allocated and the more penalties came in from ( horrifying ) cache-line inefficiencies, all that having zero-protection from falling into the hell-of-memory swapping:

    n=1E3        1E4        1E5        1E6        1E7        1E8        1E9       :
    1.000      1.000      1.000      1.000      1.000      1.000      1.000       : p= 1
    0.930      1.403      0.902      1.536      1.492      1.517      0.356       : p= 2
    1.075      2.319      2.207      1.937      2.001      1.991      1.489++     : p= 3
    1.497+++++ 2.636++++  1.563      1.657      2.571      2.144      0.687       : p= 4
    1.226++    2.548+++   0.957      2.025      2.357      1.731      1.569++++   : p= 5
    1.255+++   1.805      2.704      2.020      2.348      1.502      0.989       : p= 6
    0.957      0.581      3.104++    2.124      2.486      2.002      0.838       : p= 7
    1.151      1.376      2.449      2.154      2.573      1.536      0.776       : p= 8
    1.135      1.685      2.388      2.506+++   2.852++++  2.311      1.676+++++  : p= 9
    1.285++++  2.492++    2.497      2.568++++  2.647+     2.467      1.413+      : p=10
    1.177      2.314+     2.709+     2.174      2.688+++   2.634++++  0.606       : p=11
    1.216+     2.293      2.442      2.287      2.550      2.551++    1.256       : p=12
    1.034      2.148      1.802      2.361++    2.635      2.554+++   1.181       : p=13
    0.999      0.440      3.672+++++ 2.774+++++ 2.927+++++ 2.839+++++ 1.496+++    : p=14
    1.091      1.217      3.285++++  2.284      2.525      2.356      1.005       : p=15
    0.937      2.850+++++ 3.185+++   2.334+     2.655++    2.508+     0.889       : p=16

    Tips for improved performance ?

    • If benchmarking computation, benchmark the computation and avoid MEM-I/O

    • If benchmarking, always check the whole landscape, to feel ( better learn how to avoid/evict any such from skewing the measured results ) the in-cache side-effects

    • Always avoid any form of sharing ( may be avoided - map the processing over disjunct areas of the tt[], yet covering "whole" tt[], in cache-line coherent blocks, so as to avoid false-sharing and "at least" re-use any data from the already fetched data-blocks that you have paid the costs of MEM-I/O fetching already ( if the vector-based LOAD/STORE is indeed a must - see above )

    • Permit and actively harness any HPC-vectorisation tricks available with FMA4 / SIMD / AVX512