D:\work\ocr\receiptWeb\functions>functions list
│ Status │ Name │ Trigger │ Resource │
│ FAILED │ upload │ HTTP │ http://localhost:8010/invoice-manager-251609/us-central1/upload │
│ FAILED │ tst │ HTTP │ http://localhost:8010/invoice-manager-251609/us-central1/tst │
│ FAILED │ tst1 │ HTTP │ http://localhost:8010/invoice-manager-251609/us-central1/tst1 │
D:\work\ocr\receiptWeb\functions>functions describe tst1
│ Property │ Value │
│ Name │ tst1 │
│ Trigger │ HTTP │
│ Resource │ http://localhost:8010/invoice-manager-251609/us-central1/tst1 │
│ Timeout │ 60 seconds │
│ Local path │ D:\work\ocr\receiptWeb\functions │
│ Archive │ file://C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp-12096kv8vKcUEnCAt.zip │
When I go to the url I get
Function worker crashed with exit code: 1\nundefinedWarning, estimating Firebase Config based on GCLOUD_PROJECT. Initializing firebase-admin may fail[2019-10-06T12:57:02.376Z] @firebase/database: FIREBASE FATAL ERROR: Cannot parse Firebase url. Please use https://<YOUR FIREBASE>.firebaseio.com
I did
set FIREBASE_CONFIG={"projectId":"invoice-manager-251609","appId":"1:127001043239:web:e3c996dc4dab60b7c94902","databaseURL":"https://invoice-manager-251609.firebaseio.com","storageBucket":"invoice-manager-251609.appspot.com","locationId":"europe-west","apiKey":"AIzaSyCaV3vpQaEMUPjz9CftkYdp888l7cLy8Gw","authDomain":"invoice-manager-251609.firebaseapp.com","messagingSenderId":"127001043239"}
and the url is correct How can I get more info on reason for the FAILED status?
When a Cloud Function encounters an error, it typically logs details. You can view the log files of the local emulator with $ functions logs read