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JavaScript, find lowest value in array of objects

I am building a custom visual using deckgl, here is the code and the whole visual

currently, I am just using the first element as a reference for the initial view

var data1 = DEFAULT;
var firstvalue = data1[0].coordinateid.toString();
var coordinates = firstvalue.split(",");
var longitudeView =parseFloat(coordinates[0]);
var latitudeView =parseFloat(coordinates[1]);

here an example of array of objects I am using

        "coordinateid": [
        "colorid": [
        "sizeid": [
        "coordinateid": [
        "sizeid": [
        "coordinateid": [
        "colorid": [
        "sizeid": [

how to get the lowest values for the field "coordinateid" , in this example is [140,-20] I am new to javascript, I do understand how to access individual object values, But not sure how to loop through the whole array, is there a function to access directly all the values of the field "Coordinateid" or should I use a loop.


  • You have 2 options:

    1. the faster one- a simple loop where you always keep the lowest one you found so far:

      let lowest = arr[0];
      for(let i=1; i<0; i++)
          if(arr[i] < lowest) // I used < for the example, enter your comparison logic here
           lowest = arr[i];
    2. The less efficient way, but might help you later in your code: sorting the array using 'Array.sort' method:

      array.sort( (el1, el2) => {
        if(el1 > el2) // again- I used > sign, put the actual comparison logic here, i.g: el1.coordinateid[0] > el2.coordinateid[0] and so on
          return -1;
        else return 1;

    Note that the sort array work like that: you give it a callback function which gets 2 elements of the array. If you return -1 it means the first element that passed should come before the 2nd element when they are put back in the sorted array, 0 means they're equal and 1 means that the 2nd element passed to the function should come first. See the sort method link above for more explanation.