I am trying to create a parser, a file. I am trying to use this file created to be parsed by the parser. The steps are:
Add pegjs with
Create an parser with var parserFile
Create file with var makeFile
Add contentFile, nameFile with var contentFile, nameFile and here: var makeFile
Use parser in var makeFile with var parserFile
// @author dikafon
// @license runFile, license: Open source, 05-10-2019
// @readme Include pegs.js and build parser, generate file, include grammar in file, download, run script.rF ( template, output )
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var fileScript = document.createElement('script');
fileScript.type = 'text/javascript';
fileScript.src = 'https://pegjs.org/vendor/pegjs/peg.js';
var runFile = (function () {
// make, Grammar
var parserFile;
parserFile = PEG.buildParser(
"= comment def runFile msgbox rules_list\n"+
"comment = COMSTART (not_com/comment)* COMSTOP\n"+
"not_com = (!COMSTOP !COMSTART.)\n"+
"= def:'runFile'? __ { return runFile; }\n"+
"= runFile:('bat'/'cmd'/'hta'/'vbs'/'rF') _ { return runFile;}\n"+
"= msgbox:('runFile')_ { return msgbox;}\n"+
"= '(' _ exp:[a-zA-Z]+ _ ')' { return [ exp.join('') ]; }\n"+
"_ = [ \t\r\n]*\n"+
"__ = [ \t\r\n]"
// make, File
var makeFile = document.createElement("a");
makeFile.style = "display: none";
// grammar how 'content, File' && 'name, File'
return function (contentFile, nameFile) {
// setting, file
var define = file,
blob = new Blob([text], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"}),
url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
makeFile.href = url;
makeFile.download = nameFile;
// content, file
var file = (function () {
var contentFile, nameFile, finishFile;
contentFile = (". runFile, license: Open source, 05-10-2019. \n"+ "def
runFile(rF) \n"+"msgbox('runFile');"+"\n");
finishFile = runFile(contentFile , nameFile);
nameFile = "script.rF";
// call, file & grammar
// show
". runFile, license: Open source, 05-10-2019. \n"+
"def runFile(rF) \n"+
// generate, file and download, run script ( contentFile, nameFile )
// build parser, parser.parse
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ')'
Line 1, column 1: Expected "." but "2" found.
Until syntax errors are fixed, runtime errors should probably be ignored. There is a syntax error here:
var file = (function () { // <== opening bracket signals the possible start of an IIFE
} // <== closing bracket ")" expected
// call, file & grammar
// show
console.log( ...
Either the opening "(" or the missing closing ")" are syntax errors. The function on the right hand side of the assignment to file doesn't have a return statement, so I guess that it's the opening "(" that is the typo and an IIFE is not intended.
The first argument passed to runFile, i.e. contentFile, isn't used in the function.
The runFile function doesn't have a return statement so returns undefined. Assigning the result to finishFile seems pointless.
Once the syntax errors are fixed, there will be runtime errors.