I'm doing a graph search from source to destination. If I add the path object to the results array, it keeps updating when I add the unique path, so I have to deepcopy it. How could I have avoided a deepcopy? Is there a better way to solve this?
Eg. start 'A', end 'X' -> [['A', 'B'], ['A', 'B', 'E']]
graph = {}
graph['A'] = ['B', 'C', 'E']
graph['B'] = ['A', 'X', 'E']
graph['E'] = ['X', 'B', 'Z']
import copy
def find_paths(start, end, graph):
res = []
path = []
v = dict()
traverse_paths(start, end, graph, v, path, res)
return res
def traverse_paths(start, end, graph, v, path, res):
v[start] = True
if start in graph:
path += [start]
node_list = graph[start]
if end in node_list:
res += [copy.deepcopy(path)]
for node in node_list:
if node in v:
traverse_paths(node, end, graph, v, path, res)
start = 'A'
end = 'X'
print(find_paths(start, end, graph))
The above code was also not returning every viable path to X , here is the correct code:
def find_paths(s, end, g):
res = []
v = dict()
def search(s, end, path, res):
v[s] = True
path += [s]
print(path, 'PATH CURRENT')
if s == end:
res += [path]
for l in g[s]:
if l not in v:
search(l, end, path[::], res)
print('DONE', v, s)
del v[s]
return res
return search(s, end, [], res)
start = 'A'
end = 'X'
print(find_paths(start, end, graph))
When I used
res += [path[::]]
It added a copy of the path, instead of a reference to the path object
Here is the correct code
def find_paths(s, end, g):
res = []
v = dict()
def search(s, end, path, res):
v[s] = True
path += [s]
if s == end:
res += [path]
for l in g[s]:
if l not in v:
search(l, end, path[::], res)
del v[s]
return res
return search(s, end, [], res)
start = 'A'
end = 'X'
print(find_paths(start, end, graph))