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Count punctuation in a DataFrame column

I'm trying to count punctuation in the content column of this DataFrame. I've tried this and it doesn't work. My DataFrame looks like this:


I want the result to be like this: this but instead of emotions to count the punctuation of every article.


text_words = df.content.str.split()
punctuation_count = {}
punctuation_count[','] = 0
punctuation_count[';'] = 0
punctuation_count["'"] = 0
punctuation_count['-'] = 0

def search_for_single_quotes(word):
    single_quote = "'"
    search_char_index = word.find(single_quote)
    search_char_count = word.count(single_quote)
    if search_char_index == -1 and search_char_count != 1:
    index_before = search_char_index - 1
    index_after = search_char_index + 1

    if index_before >= 0 and word[index_before].isalpha() and index_after == len(word) - 1 and word[index_after].isalpha():
        punctuation_count[single_quote] += 1

for word in text_words:
    for search_char in [',', ';']:
        search_char_count = word.count(search_char)
        punctuation_count[search_char] += search_char_count

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'find'


  • Given the following input:

    df = pd.DataFrame(['I love, pizza, hamberget and chips!!.', 'I like drink beer,, cofee and water!.'], columns=['content'])
    0   I love, pizza, hamberget and chips!!.
    1   I like drink beer,, cofee and water!.

    Try this code:

    count = lambda l1,l2: sum([1 for x in l1 if x in l2])
    df['count_punct'] = df.content.apply(lambda s: count(s, string.punctuation))

    and gives:

                                     content  count_punct
    0  I love, pizza, hamberget and chips!!.            5
    1  I like drink beer,, cofee and water!.            4

    If you want to accumulate the punctuation marks of each line in a list:

    accumulate = lambda l1,l2: [x for x in l1 if x in l2]
    df['acc_punct_list'] = df.content.apply(lambda s: accumulate(s, string.punctuation))

    and gives:

                                     content  count_punct   acc_punct_list
    0  I love, pizza, hamberget and chips!!.            5  [,, ,, !, !, .]
    1  I like drink beer,, cofee and water!.            4     [,, ,, !, .]

    If you want to accumulate the punctuation marks of each line in a dict and transpose each element into dataframe columns:

    df['acc_punct_dict'] = df.content.apply(lambda s: {k:v for k, v in Counter(s).items() if k in string.punctuation})
                                     content            acc_punct_dict
    0  I love, pizza, hamberget and chips!!.  {',': 2, '!': 2, '.': 1}
    1  I like drink beer,, cofee and water!.  {',': 2, '!': 1, '.': 1}

    now expanding the dictionary in the columns of the df:

    df_punct = df.acc_punct_dict.apply(pd.Series)
       ,  !  .
    0  2  2  1
    1  2  1  1

    If you want to combine the new dataframe with the starting one, you just need to do:

    df_res = pd.concat([df, df_punct], axis=1)

    and gives:

                                     content            acc_punct_dict  ,  !  .
    0  I love, pizza, hamberget and chips!!.  {',': 2, '!': 2, '.': 1}  2  2  1
    1  I like drink beer,, cofee and water!.  {',': 2, '!': 1, '.': 1}  2  1  1

    Note: If you don't care about the column with the dictionary you can delete it by df_res.drop('acc_punct_dict', axis=1)