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Perl trim MP3 file

How to Trim MP3 file selectively from start time to end time. For example if I have 4 minutes mp3 file and I need to trim the sound of the file only between the second 140 to the second 170. If pure Perl module or a module that installs on Windows.


  • There are two modules on CPAN. MP3::Splitter and MP3::Cut::Gapless, both of which contain C-code and currently do not compile under Windows. Not totally the fault of Windows mind you, MP3::Splitter doesn't seem to work anywhere with recent Perls. It fails because of a broken dependency (MPEG::Audio::Frame), I'm looking into that, maybe I can find a fix.

    In the meantime, if you use Windows 10, you can give the Linux Subsystem for Windows (WSL) a try and run your script from there.

    use MP3::Cut::Gapless;
    my $cut = MP3::Cut::Gapless->new(
        file      => 'input.mp3',
        start_ms  => 140000,
        end_ms    => 170000,
    open my $out, '>', 'output.mp3' or die "Can't write MP3";
    while ( $cut->read( my $buf, 4096 ) ) {
        syswrite $out, $buf;
    close $out;

    Or you can install a lightweight tool named ffmpeg and shell out to that

    `ffmpeg -ss 00:02:20 -t 00:00:30 -i input.mp3 output.mp3`

    Ok, here is an update.

    I looked into the problem with MPEG::Audio::Frame and it's just the tests that are failing¹!

    That means, you can force install MPEG::Audio::Frame first, then do a regular install of MP3::Splitter. Then you can run this script

    use MP3::Splitter;
    mp3split('yourfile.mp3', {verbose => 1}, [140, 30]);

    You will then find your new file "01_yourfile.mp3" in the same directory as the input file. That's a clunky interface but at least it works.

    ¹I contacted the author. The problem is that the tests read their data from DATA, but the author did not use binmode. So under Windows that DATA gets read as text and shit goes awry.

    Final update

    I managed to get maintainership of MPEG::Audio::Frame and fixed the bug. The new version 0.10 is now on CPAN. Hence, with this fix, MP3::Splitter will install fine everywhere.