Is there a software/service/hardware available to run simple VBA scripts on a supercomputer (a remote cluster of CPUs)?
I mean without installing the complex official HPC Excel extensions and spending time learning it...
I mean something as easy to use as this:
Sub test()
ArrayOfResults = SupercomputerLib.Execute("complexFunc(100)", _
"complexFunc(200)", _
"complexFunc(300)", _
"complexFunc(400)", _
"complexFunc(500)", _
"complexFunc(600)", _
"complexFunc(700)", _
"complexFunc(800)", _
"complexFunc(900)", _
'ArrayResult will be generated in 1 day of parallel calculus
End sub
Function complexFunc(someNumber as integer) as long
*complex calculus that takes 1 day on a single CPU*
End Function
Af far as I know, there's no such a software/service available