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Can't update SQL column with PHP

I've created a PHP script that is triggered by a weekly CronJob. If the date of last activity is longer than 2 weeks ago, a field will go red and there will be sent an email to one specific person once the CronJob triggers.

I can get the data that needs to be mailed and it already does. Now I only need to update the field mailed to 1.

I tried the SQL query in phpMyAdmin:

UPDATE klanten_potentioneel SET mailed = 1 WHERE naamklant = '$naam'

Where $naam is obviously changed into an existing name. This query works.

$conn = new mysqli("localhost", "xxx", "xxx", "xxx");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE mailed IS NULL GROUP BY naamklant ORDER BY id DESC ;";
                            $result = $conn->query($sql);

                            if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
                                while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

if (strtotime($row["datumlastvisit"]) < strtotime('-14 days')) {
    $mailNeeded = '1 ';
    //hier de code van mailen
                                        $to = '[email protected]';
                                        $subject = 'geen actie potentieel';
                                        $message = "Er is nog geen actie ondernomen bij $row[naamklant] sinds $row[datumlastvisit] door $row[naam]."; 
                                        $headers = 'From: [email protected]\r\n';
                                        // Sending email
                                        if(mail($to, $subject, $message,$headers)){

                $naam = $row["naamklant"];

$sql = "UPDATE klanten_potentioneel SET mailed = 1 WHERE naamklant = '$naam'";

else if (strtotime($row["datumlastvisit"]) < strtotime('-7 days')) {
    $mailNeeded = '0';
} else {
    $mailNeeded = '0';
//to test if the code is working
echo $row["naamklant"];
echo " - ";
echo $mailNeeded;
echo "<br>";

                      else {
                                echo "There is nothing to be mailed.";

The record in the database should be changing, but it does not.


  • Once you've completed query building you can execute it and get result of it. In this case you didn't do that after the UPDATE query.




    $sql = "UPDATE klanten_potentioneel SET mailed = 1 WHERE naamklant = '$naam'";