So I have a csv file with rows of data called "opportunities.csv"
This file is in the _data folder of my Jekyll site
Oracle,"New thing five","Mary Smith",lead
Oracle,"Data plan","Sue Curry",lead
Oracle,"Migration 2019","Sue Curry",lead
IBM, "Platform assessment","Jane Campton",lost
I'd like to display the number of leads per person:
Mary Smith 1 lead
Sue Curry 2 lead
Jane Campion 0 lead
So, for each "person" in "site.opportunities" count the number of rows for each instance of "person" where "status" = "lead"
I now this involves incrementing counters inside nested for loops but I just can't seem to get it working.
I could change the data file format to json or yml but in my current use case I have other non-technical team members editing a csv file in excel so that's a given here.
You can do this with group_by
and where
filters :
{% assign groups = | group_by: "person" %}
{% for g in groups %}
{% assign leads = g.items | where: "status", "lead" %}
<li>name : {{ }} {{ leads.size }} leads</li>
{% endfor %}