I come from Spring boot (with Jersey) to make APIs REST where I could easily handle if I wanted some value from a field have any constraint, like having some maximum value or not being null with the library javax.validation.
import javax.validation.Valid;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
public Response gestionarVenta(@Valid @NotNull(message = CONSTRAINT_BODY_NOT_NULL) final ProductoCompradoDTO productoCompradoDTO) {
However, I'm checking out Google Cloud Endpoints now and I tried to use this same library but it just ignores it and goes on into the method.
import javax.validation.Valid;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
@Api(name = "echo", version = "v1", namespace = @ApiNamespace(ownerDomain = "echo.example.com", ownerName = "echo.example.com", packagePath = "")
// ...
public class MyApi {
@ApiMethod(name = "echo")
public Message echo(@Valid @NotNull(message = "cant be null") Message message, @Named("n") @Nullable Integer n) {
I'm sending an empty body.
Why is it ignoring it? Is there some way or library to put constraints to fields' values on Google Cloud Endpoints?
Performing checks expressed by javax.validation annotations on REST API calls is a feature implemented in Spring Boot framework.
As of October 2019, Cloud Endpoints Frameworks for Java doesn't implement javax.validation checks. Also, it doesn't support equivalent features. You can file a feature request on https://github.com/cloudendpoints/endpoints-java/issues