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Is there way to convert pymssql query to json based on first column values?

I am trying to convert pymssql query to json where first column "value" will be "key" and corresponding columns will be list of "key:value".

I have tried using jsondumps but get the "Cursor is not JSON serializable" error:

    `conn = pymssql.connect(server, port, db)
     cursor = conn.cursor('select u_business_service_display_value as Business, name, host_name as hostname, install_status, ip_address, used_for from cmdb_ci_server where u_patching_director_display_value = <Name> AND install_status <> "Retired" AND install_status <> "Pending Retirement" order by Business, hostname')
     for row in cursor:
         print("Business=%s, Name=%s, Hostname=%s, install_status=%s, ip_address=%s, used_for=%s" % (row['Business'], row['name'], row['hostname'], row['install_status'], row['ip_address'], row['used_for']))
     print json.dumps(results, indent=1)

Output is

- Business=AAA, Name=Value, Hostname=vaule, install_status=Retired, ip_address=<ip>, used_for=None
- Business=AAA, Name=Value, Hostname=vaule, install_status=Retired, ip_address=<ip>, used_for=None
- Business=BBB, Name=Value, Hostname=vaule, install_status=Installed, ip_address=<ip>, used_for=Prod
- Business=BBB, Name=Value, Hostname=vaule, install_status=Installed, ip_address=<ip>, used_for=Prod

Expected output



  • from collections import defaultdict
    import json
    d = defaultdict(list)
    for row in cursor:
        values = dict()
        values['name'] = row['name']
        values['hostname'] = row['hostname']
        values['install_status'] = row['install_status']
        values['ip_address'] = row['ip_address'] 
        values['used_for'] = row['used_for]
    with open('result.json', 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(d, fp)
    • d is defaultdict with list argument so, in case you add key that is not in d it will create list as value when assigned first time.