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Ansible: execute command output, into another command

I'm planning to create and run an ansible playbook (or a .sh script) that will detect the last user login, then if the login date is older than 30 days proceed to shutdown the server, otherwise stop the playbook.

My knowledge in ansible is basic and scripting too. :(

I'll execute this on my RHEL servers 6.x and 7.x

Execute last command for the test user

last | grep test
test     pts/1     Mon Sep 9 10:53 - 10:53  (00:00)

Save this output, if the date is older than 30 days, shutdown the server. How could i set this output as a variable into the next command ?

if [ "$(date +%D)" != "30" ];then

    shutdown -h now


  • This is how i solved the problem

    - name: Check last login
      hosts: REDHAT
        - name: Last logged user
          shell: last | grep myusername
          register: output
          ignore_errors: yes
        - name: shutdown server
          shell: shutdown -h now
          become: yes
          when: (output.stdout|int - ansible_date_time.epoch|int) < 2592000