How can I stub a method that use a ClassTag
in the implementation ?
class RefsFactory {
def get[I <: Item : ClassTag]: RefTo[I] = {
val itemType = implicitly[ClassTag[A]].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[A]]
// ...
This class is used a lot in our code and I would like to stub it to return others mock regarding the itemType
val factory = stub[RefsFactory]
val otherType = stub[RefTo[OtherType]]
(factory.get[OneType]) returns RefTo(new OneType())
(factory.get[OtherType]) returns otherType
Trying to simplify your problem, the method
def get[I <: Item : ClassTag]: RefTo[I]
is similar to having a context bound on 0-arity method
def foo[I: ClassTag]
which is equivalent to method with one implicit argument
def foo[I](implicit ev: ClassTag[I)
hence considering Methods with implicit parameters we can mock like so
([SomeType](_: ClassTag[SomeType])).expects(*).returns(...)