Now I been evaluation, trying and testing this for many hours and the frustration start to eat me up.
Due to company policies I have nothing else to play with than a host based on WMware. On that i tried to nest a Hyper-V role. The Hyper-V appear in the server manager so in some way I must succeded. From here I cant perform anything similar to the instructions given in the many blogposts and instructions I read. The instructione on how to proceed are very ambivalent and in many cases inaccurate. Is there a way forward or should I just forget all about it, because there are no way that I will be successfull in achiving linux docker images on windows server 2019. Worth mentioning is that windows docker images runs like a charm on the server when I have the docker version for windows containers.
I have installed Docker EE Preview so you don't have to ask that. Basically I followed all instructions given when I google "run linux containers on windows server 2019"
Is there anyone out there that managed to perform this task with similar setup?
In my case, the situation is practically the same.
I have a Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition installed in virtual machine on VMware platform on host server.
Since Docker needs Hyper-V for running internal virtual machine, there is an issue of nested virtualization to deal with (VMware on host, and Hyper-V on guest).
This issue can be resolved according to instructions presented on address:
Apart from settings for enabling nested virtualization in VMware program, there was a need to manually edit .vmx file, and more specifically to include the following properties in it:
hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = "FALSE"
guestOS = "winhyperv"
Then, I've finally found a working combination of Windows Server and Docker that can effectively run with Linux containers, by installing an edge release of Docker Desktop Community published on 2019-09-16.
This release (as well as other edge releases of Docker) is available at address: