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How add security headers to azure app service for containers

Im having limited success finding how to add custom http security headers (like HSTS) to an Azure app service when deployed as a docker container (linux). Im not sure if this is possible directly on the app service or something like an application gateway is required.

If using kubernetes or swarm i could do this on the reverse proxy ingress, but how can i accomplish this on an app service?


  • 2 solutions :

    1. Go to azure portal and under :

    Your Function App -> Platform Features -> Custom Domain and set HTTPS Only to the desired value (On).

    1. Add this to the web.config
     <rule name="Add Strict-Transport-Security when HTTPS" enabled="true">
         <match serverVariable="RESPONSE_Strict_Transport_Security" pattern=".*" />
                        <add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="on" ignoreCase="true" />
                    <action type="Rewrite" value="max-age=31536000" />