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FSharp Charting on Deedle series how to plot two series into one chart

I have following F# script code:

    #load "packages/FsLab.1.1.6/FsLab.fsx"
    #load "packages\FSharp.Charting.2.1.0\FSharp.Charting.fsx"
    open Deedle
    open FSharp.Data
    open FSharp.Charting
    open Deedle.Series


     ([Chart.Line(tmp1?Close |> Series.observations),
       Chart.Line(tmp1?Open |> Series.observations)])

The last three lines open two chart windows rather than one combined one with both tmp1?Close and tmp1?Open plotted. How do I get one combined plot? And in general, how do I plot the Deedle Frame all columns at once like Chart.Line(tmp1...?

EDIT one note for the down voting and the accepted answer: although ; would work, but all the examples online replace the , with empty space but it will get error

error FS0597: Successive arguments should be separated by spaces or tupled, and arguments involving function or method applications should be parenthesized

Therefore I thought this question still have limited positive value.


  • I believe you need a ; or nothing instead of the comma?

    I think Combine takes a seq of series as an argument, whereas the comma means you're passing a tuple.