I'm executing a query to a db2 ibm database in Laravel.
call STOREDPROC.GET('leaders', '{"params": ""}', 'lead_management', 'FR');
The problem is that the fetchAll() returns an array of stdClass object.
Array (
[0] => stdClass Object (
[noref] => 368
[nofab] => FORT
[actionname] => FORT BP720
[longactionname] => Epargne fort
[startat] => 1999-10-29
[endat] => 1999-10-29
[monthduration] => 0
[kam] => CTER
[cls] => SDO
[status] => O
[deletebyte] =>
That's nice and all, but I'd rather get an array instead. I have to send the data through a http request and unfortunately, the data received at the other end of the request returns as a stream.
So how do I make fetchAll return an array instead of an stdObject class ?
I have tried to edit the options in the database.php file in laravel as such:
'options' => [
But it still gives me the exact same result.
This is my code to fetch the data in laravel:
private function execute($verb, $args): array
$query = $this->buildQueryString($verb, $args);
$result = DB::connection('odbc')->select($query);
return $result;
It seems the problem was the encoding on special characters causing syntax errors and thus invalid formatted json. I have made it to work by converting to utf8 encoding and then a json_decode instead of encode.
public static function convert_from_latin1_to_utf8_recursively($result)
if (is_string($result)) {
return utf8_encode($result);
} elseif (is_array($result)) {
$ret = [];
foreach ($result as $i => $d) $ret[ $i ] = self::convert_from_latin1_to_utf8_recursively($d);
return $ret;
} elseif (is_object($result)) {
foreach ($result as $i => $d) $result->$i = self::convert_from_latin1_to_utf8_recursively($d);
return $result;
} else {
return $result;
And then in my response:
$response = json_decode($response, true);
return $response;