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AWS ECS service error: Task long arn format must be enabled for launching service tasks with ECS managed tags

I have a ECS service running in a cluster which has 1 task. Upon task update, the service suddenly died with error: 'service my_service_name failed to launch a task with (error Task long arn format must be enabled for launching service tasks with ECS managed tags.)'

Current running tasks are automatically drained and the above message shows up every 6 hours in the "Events" tab of the service. Any changes done to the service config does not repair the issue. Rolling back the task update also doesn't change anything.

I believe I'm already using the long ARN format. Looking for help.


  • This turned out to be a AWS bug acknowledged by them now. It was supposed to manifest after Jan 1 2020 but appeared early because of a workflow fault in AWS.

    The resources were created by an IAM user who was later deleted and hence the issue appears.