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Create a list of instances and list of each instances variables

I am trying to make a list of instances of one class, each with different attribute values, using this code:

lines_stripped = ['Name', 'Age', 'Score', 'John Whorfin', '52', '1.553', 'John Emdall', '35', '1.21', 'John Parker', '41', '1.987', 'John Gomez', '33', '1.305', 'John Yaya', '41', '1.411', 'John Gant', '39', '1.6821']
header = lines_stripped[0:3]
lines_stripped = lines_stripped[3:] 

class Lectroid():

    def __init__ (self, Name, Age, Score): = Name
        self.age = Age
        self.score = Score

lectroidNames = range(0,6)  
#lectroidNames = lectroidNames.append('Lectroid')
i = 0
j = 1
k = 2
x = 0
while x < 6:
    lectroidNames[x] = Lectroid(lines_stripped[0], lines_stripped[1], lines_stripped[2]) #How can I not have constantly overriding lectroids
    i += 3
    j += 3
    k += 3
    x += 1

I had the intention of making each instance named after a number (hence lectroidNames = range(0,6)) but when I print lectroidNames I don't get a list of numbers or a list of instances. This is the output from print lectroidNames

[<__main__.Lectroid instance at 0x1085ad050>, <__main__.Lectroid instance at 0x1085ad098>, <__main__.Lectroid instance at 0x1085ad0e0>, <__main__.Lectroid instance at 0x1085ad128>, <__main__.Lectroid instance at 0x1085ad170>, <__main__.Lectroid instance at 0x1085ad1b8>]

I want to make a list of the scores from each instance. I tried to do this using print lectroidNames.score but I got this error message: AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'score'

Why do I receive this error message when I made each instance have the attribute score? How can I gain the list of scores for each instance?


  • You could do something like,

    $ cat
    lines_stripped = ['Name', 'Age', 'Score', 'John Whorfin', '52', '1.553', 'John Emdall', '35', '1.21', 'John Parker', '41', '1.987', 'John Gomez', '33', '1.305', 'John Yaya', '41', '1.411', 'John Gant', '39', '1.6821']
    header = lines_stripped[0:3]
    lines_stripped = lines_stripped[3:] 
    class Lectroid():
            def __init__ (self, name, age, score):
           = name
                    self.age = age
                    self.score = score
    instances = []
    data = iter(lines_stripped)
    for _ in range(int(len(lines_stripped) / len(header))):
        name, age, score = [next(data) for _ in range(len(header)]
        instances.append(Lectroid(name, age, score))
    for instance in instances:
        print(, instance.age, instance.score)


    $ python
    ('John Whorfin', '52', '1.553')
    ('John Emdall', '35', '1.21')
    ('John Parker', '41', '1.987')
    ('John Gomez', '33', '1.305')
    ('John Yaya', '41', '1.411')
    ('John Gant', '39', '1.6821')