I can't understand why I'm having this compilation error using Rcpp (version 1.0.2):
From file /home/rmagno/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/internal/wrap.h
Line 523 static assertion failed: cannot convert type to SEXP
I'm trying to wrap this C function glfwSetKeyCallback from the GLFW library.
And I know that the error is stemming somehow from the CPP source file below but I don't understand what I am doing wrong:
#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41210595/s4-object-with-a-pointer-to-a-c-struct
typedef Rcpp::XPtr<GLFWwindow, Rcpp::PreserveStorage, glfwDestroyWindow> GLFWwindow_ptr;
#include "glfw_types.h"
using namespace Rcpp;
namespace {
std::unique_ptr<Rcpp::Function> key_callback_func_ptr;
void glfw_set_key_callback_wrapper(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int modes)
(*key_callback_func_ptr)(window, key, scancode, action, modes);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void glfw_set_key_callback(GLFWwindow_ptr window, Rcpp::Function key_callback) {
key_callback_func_ptr = std::make_unique<Rcpp::Function>(key_callback);
glfwSetKeyCallback((GLFWwindow*)window, (GLFWkeyfun) glfw_set_key_callback_wrapper);
The source code below that compiles the function glfw_destroy_window
and exports it as glfwDestroyWindow
uses the type GLFWwindow_ptr
and compiles and works from R just fine.
#include "glfw_types.h"
using namespace Rcpp;
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export("glfwDestroyWindow")]]
void glfw_destroy_window(GLFWwindow_ptr window) {
This function also works fine:
#include "glfw_types.h"
using namespace Rcpp;
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export("glfwCreateWindow")]]
GLFWwindow_ptr glfw_create_window(int width, int height, std::string title) {
const char *title_c = title.c_str();
return GLFWwindow_ptr(glfwCreateWindow(width, height, title_c, NULL, NULL), true);
This seems to be working...
#include "glfw_types.h"
using namespace Rcpp;
namespace {
std::unique_ptr<Rcpp::Function> key_callback_func_ptr;
void glfw_set_key_callback_wrapper(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int modes)
(*key_callback_func_ptr)(GLFWwindow_ptr(window, true), key, scancode, action, modes);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void glfw_set_key_callback(GLFWwindow_ptr window, Rcpp::Function key_callback) {
key_callback_func_ptr = std::make_unique<Rcpp::Function>(key_callback);
glfwSetKeyCallback((GLFWwindow*)window, (GLFWkeyfun) glfw_set_key_callback_wrapper);
Any help is greatly appreciated!
#include "glfw_types.h"
using namespace Rcpp;
namespace {
std::unique_ptr<Rcpp::Function> key_callback_func_ptr;
void glfw_set_key_callback_wrapper(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int modes)
(*key_callback_func_ptr)(GLFWwindow_ptr(window, false), key, scancode, action, modes);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void glfw_set_key_callback(GLFWwindow_ptr window, Rcpp::Function key_callback) {
key_callback_func_ptr = std::make_unique<Rcpp::Function>(key_callback);
glfwSetKeyCallback((GLFWwindow*)window, (GLFWkeyfun) glfw_set_key_callback_wrapper);