Trying to get DisplayTemplates in ASP.Net Core 2.2 to work with classes that inherit from a base class similar to this question How to handle an entity model with inheritance in a view?
The Principal
DisplayTemplate is being used for all items in the list, what am I missing?
public class IndexModel : PageModel
public List<Principal> Principals { get; set; } = new List<Principal>();
public void OnGet()
Principals.Add(new Principal { Id = 1, Name = "Principal 1" });
Principals.Add(new UserPrincipal { Id = 1, Name = "User 1", Age = 30 });
Principals.Add(new GroupPrincipal { Id = 1, Name = "Group 1", Members = 5 });
Principals.Add(new UserPrincipal { Id = 1, Name = "User 2", Age = 40 });
Principals.Add(new GroupPrincipal { Id = 1, Name = "Group 2", Members = 3 });
public class Principal
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class UserPrincipal : Principal
public int Age { get; set; }
public class GroupPrincipal : Principal
public int Members { get; set; }
@model IndexModel
@foreach(var principal in Model.Principals)
@Html.DisplayFor(p => principal)
@model Principal
@model UserPrincipal
@Model.Name, Age @Model.Age
@model GroupPrincipal
@Model.Name, Members @Model.Members
The Principal DisplayTemplate is being used for all items in the list,
That's because the expression in @Html.DisplayFor(expression)
won't be executed at all. They are parsed statically instead.
For example, if we have an expression m.a.b.c
where a
is null
at runtime, the @Html.DisplayFor(m => m.a.b.c)
is still able to know the template for c
Since you're declaring the Principals
as type List<Principal>
, even if you make the Model.Principals
hold UserPrincipal
or GroupPrincipal
at runtime, the "parser" still treat the principal
as a base Principal
type: They don't inspect the real type of instance. They just parse the type statically.
Pass a template name when invoking Html.DisplayFor()
so that the Html Helper knows the real template you want to use:
@page @model IndexModel @foreach (var principal in Model.Principals) { @Html.DisplayFor(p => principal, principal.GetType().Name) }