I have one interface, AppState, and I want to be able to code against a subset of this main appstate interface so that I only pull properties which would be populated by a controller class somewhere further up in the pipeline. Eventually I want to be able to "connect" using a FooAppStateSubset so when developing we can easily pick out JUST the props that are relevant and set for our current section of the website.
How can I ensure that...
interface AppState {
email: string;
userId: number;
firstName?: string;
isAwesome: boolean;
interface/type FooAppStateSubset {
isAwesome: boolean;
firstName?: string;
The simplest way if you have only a couple of properties would be to:
type FooAppStateSubset = Omit<Omit<AppState, 'email'>, 'userId'>
Otherwise a typeguard perhaps?
function isSubset(something: AppState | FooAppStateSubset): something is FooAppStateSubset {
return !('email' in something || 'userId' in something);
const foo = { isAwesome: true };
isSubset(foo) && console.log(foo.email); // error!