I have a UIWebView
in which I want phone numbers to be detected.
My problem is that in a single UIWebView
, some phone numbers are detected and clickable but others are not and I have no idea why.
Here is a snippet of my HTML :
0123456789 9999999999
The 3 first numbers on the 2 first lines are detected but the one inside the <p> element (line 14) is not.
Does anybody know why? Is there anything to do about it?
EDIT : as requested in the comments, here is the full HTML:
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</style></head><body>0123456789 9999999999 <div class="myclass">1111111111</div> <div class="myclass"> <ul> <li> <div> <h4>Name</h4> <p>Name</p> </div> </li> <li> <div> <h4>Téléphone</h4> <p>0466303737</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div></body></html>
ps : I live in France ie phone number => 10 digits
Phone number parsing is magic, and I'm afraid only Apple magicians have the powers to tell you how they do. And it is possible that it depends on many factors like iOS version, user locale, weather.
Since you're in a UIWebView I guess your HTML is iPhone only. Then why not making specific iPhone phone links, instead of relying on magic stuff? :) :
<a href="tel:+1-800-275-2273">
Call John Appleseed at 1-800-275-2273
You could even inject some javascript into html with your own phone number detection/format algorithm if needed...