I tried to reload rails environment with the reload!
command, I think it might be depracated. Does anyone know the modern way of reloading the rails environment? This book is available free for download, Im on page 79, it's Michael Hartl's "RailsSpace: Building a social networking website with ruby on rails", published in 2007, several people suggested that I give up on the book already, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a modern way of doing things before I gave up on the book. So many experts on stackoverflow helped me get through the book already, I decided to take my chances.
Here is a link to the book: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ca98/3b5098cd5957dc1842bb4bf3175406624bca.pdf?_ga=2.121598472.1814901715.1569094472-1963651489.1569094472, its one of the only FREE sources out there for building a social media website thats why I cant give up on it so easily, even though it was published in 2007 and its a bit outdated. Plus I just want to see what stackoverflow can do for me before I just give up on the book. So many experts on stackoverflow helped me make it this far, Im curious to find out if I can get through the entire book with stackoverflow. If anyone knows a better source that's free, please send me a link. Right now page 79, is the roadblock, its that reload!
command that might be depracated. Maybe its an expert on stackoverflow that knows the knew command for it. If that's you please help. I already tried googling it, it took me straight here to stackoverflow lol. I decided to post a question of my own, that other guy's question doesn't seem to match mine so here I am. Please help if you can.
Within the Rails console (rails c
, or more formally bundle exec bin/rails c
) you should be able to run:
That reloads the active environment, specifically anything within app/
and config/routes.rb
, but other things will not be reloaded until you exit and restart the console. This has always been the case.
Note that this is only within the Ruby interactive environment, as in you'll have a prompt that looks like this:
If you see something else you may not be in the Rails console and are trying to run the command in the wrong context. A common mistake is trying to run this in he shell itself where you'll get an error like:
-bash: reload!: command not found
One other thing you may need to do if you're having trouble getting things to load that should be there is to stop the Spring launcher, forcing it to reload:
spring stop
That kicks the Spring application preloader which can sometimes get confused about what's going on and needs a reset.