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Pandas drop nan using first valid index by group

I'm working with the following DataFrame:

         Date    Id    Amount
   0    201301    1      nan
   1    201302    1      nan
   2    201303    1      100
   3    201304    1      120
   4    201305    1      nan
   5    201306    1      120
   6    201302    2      nan
   7    201303    2      150
   8    201304    2      180

I'm trying to get the first valid index of Amount by Id. Because of some reason this doesn't work:


I'm also trying this:

df.groupby('Id').Amount.apply(lambda x: x.first_valid_index())

But my dataset is 20M+ rows, so it's taking too long and that won't work for me.

Is there any faster way to find the first index by group?

My desired output would be:

first_idx = [2,7]

Or even better:

         Date    Id    Amount

   2    201303    1      100
   3    201304    1      120
   4    201305    1      nan
   5    201306    1      120
   7    201303    2      150
   8    201304    2      180

Edit: df.groupby('Id').Amount.apply(lambda x: x.first_valid_index()) indeed works, but I have the feeling there has to be a faster option, the problem doesn't seem to be that complex.


  • Option 1: To get just the first indexes:

    # 1.42 ms ± 14.1 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)


    1    2
    2    7
    Name: Date, dtype: int64

    Option 2: to get the other rows, use cumsum on notna()

    # 2.09 ms ± 220 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

    Option 3: you can ffill() within group and choose those are not filled:

    # 831 µs ± 14.8 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)


         Date  Id  Amount
    2  201303   1   100.0
    3  201304   1   120.0
    4  201305   1     NaN
    5  201306   1   120.0
    7  201303   2   150.0
    8  201304   2   180.0

    Conclusion: Option 3 is the fastest!

    Update: to filter both ends using Option 3:

    amt_group = df.groupby('Id').Amount
    df[amt_group.bfill().notna() & amt_group.ffill().notna()]