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FluentMigrator generate SQL Output from In-Process Migration runner

Is there a way to generate SQL file output using the In-Process Migration Runner similarly to what can be achieved using -output command argument from the dotnet-fm tool.

I couldn't find any property, field or method in the IMigrationRunner, IMigrationRunnerBuilder or in the IMigrationProcessorOptions that would set configure the output.

Am I missing something?


  • This page explains how to use a logging provider in fluent migrator. Here you can go over the different options, such as writing the logs to SQL database or to a file, or just showing the SQL in the console (if you use a consoleloggingprovider).

    Here is how to do it:

        .AddSingleton<ILoggerProvider, LogFileFluentMigratorLoggerProvider>()
            opt =>
                opt.OutputFileName = options.OutputFileName;
                opt.OutputGoBetweenStatements = targetIsSqlServer;
                opt.ShowSql = true;

    You could also write an extension method and a decorator to add custom logging providers, in case you want to log it somewhere else than the console. but I believe fluentMigrator already supports this out of the box.