I'm having a problem with a Condition in a workflow:
Sending pages to Approval that match the condition are working as expected and moving to the Approve step:
However those that do not match the condition are getting stuck in the condition step and the email is not sent as expected:
I'm getting the following error on Event Log:
The connection is there and it's automatic, as you can see on the first image. Hence the question, anyone knows why this could be happening?
The "Send email to Jira" step is setup as follows (email redacted):
But I don't think it's even reaching it, as there's no other log entries for an email error, and the default emails from the workflow are indeed working as expected.
If user wants to move page from Condition workflow step, he must have a Manage workflow permissions.
However since your role (CMS Approvers) most probably do not have this permissions - workflow process stuck with the error message.
Although the error message is not very descriptive (we can definitely improve this part) this is the reason of your issue.
To solve it, please navigate to the Security section of the Condition workflow step and set Roles which can approve, reject and make changes section to All except listed as you can see here: http://prntscr.com/pdtrgs
Also please double check that CMS Approvers role has Manage workflow permission.
Then it should work as expected.