I'm using azcopy to upload local files to a blob storage.
I'm using command:
azcopy copy "localpath" "destinationpath(with SAS)" --include="*.csv" --recursive=true
I also tried
azcopy sync "localpath" "destinationpath(with SAS)" --include="*.csv"
The files I'm trying to upload are each 1GB+. When I manually upload a file to the data lake it takes 40min+ for 1 file. If I do it with azcopy it takes 30min+ per file and often fails.
Is it normal that it takes this long? Am I doing something wrong or is there a faster way of doing this?
As you may know, the azcopy is optimized for better performance. I see your code, nothing is missing. If that's the case, we can do nothing(or maybe you can check if it's network issue?).
You can take a try with Azure Data Factory, it provides very high performance which can be up to 1-GB/s data loading speed into Data Lake Storage Gen1.